Natural Therapy
Natural agents such as heat, ice, aqua therapy and exercise, are some of the drugless measures, which are available to patients in abundant quantities. When controlled, these elements may exert a beneficial influence on body function. There are other forms of physiologic therapeutics which involve interferential therapy; ultrasound, traction and dietary management and other natural procedures which are known to have specific physiological influence on the body.
The spinal adjustment is a predominant factor in providing chiropractic care for your condition. The adjustment, however, may not be the only procedure your chiropractor may employ in the course of your care and case management.
The chiropractic profession utilized drugless therapeutics, Natural Therapies as early as 1903. Natural agents such as heat, cold, aqua therapy, and exercise, are some of the drugless measures which are available to humans in abundant quantities. When controlled, these elements may exert a beneficial influence on body function. There are other forms of Physiologic Therapeutics which involve electrical stimulation, ultrasound, traction, dietary management, and other natural procedures which are known to have special physiological influence on the body. These may or may not be utilized by your doctor depending upon your needs.